
465 Results in category Hiking

The Villa Marina is an entertainment venue in Douglas, Isle of Man which forms part of the wider Villa-Gaiety complex.

Villa Marina
Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico

Villarrica is a city in southern Chile, at the foot of Villarrica Volcano. It is on the shore of the vast Villarrica Lake. The surrounding landscape is characterized by dramatic mountains and hot springs.

Villarrica, Araucania

The Volcán Barú is an active stratovolcano and the tallest mountain in Panama, at 3,474 meters high. It lies about 35 km off the border of Costa Rica. It is also the twelfth highest peak in Central America.

Volcán Barú
Panama City, Panama

Callaqui is a stratovolcano located in the Bío Bío Region of Chile. It is a large ice-capped, basaltic andesite volcano which is elongated in the northeast-southwest direction, due to its construction along an 11 km long fissure.

Volcán Callaquén
Puerto Varas, Los Lagos