Rio Oro Valley


The Río de Oro is a river of Chaco Province, Argentina. It is a tributary of the Paraguay River, which is debouches into near Humaitá, Paraguay.


Hipólito Yrigoyen is the current name of the town formerly called Lago Posadas, and that most continue to know that way. A tiny but very careful Patagonian town in deep Patagonia. Where everyone greets you… ..the authentic and little known Patagonia. It will be our base to explore Lake Posadas and Puyrredón, as well as the lonely and beautiful Valley of the Oro River.

Between the steppe and the Cordillera is located Lago Posadas or Hipólito Yrigoyen, both mounts, and 15 km from two beautiful lakes. An environment with many different landscapes in a short distance.

Towards the steppe, colored hills, formerly occupied by indigenous people, who, molded by the wind, remotely recall the NOA landscape.

Towards the Cordillera, lakes of different colors, rivers that form spectacular valleys.

Ingredients that make it a very interesting site.

If it weren't for much, I wouldn't have known this place.

Day with sun, clouds, and looooong wind.

A gravel road allows you to get closer to the lakes. Lake Posadas, 15 km from the town, emerald green or turquoise, depends on the light.

The stone arch over Lake Posadas, which they call, more familiarly, "the drinking dinosaur . "

northwestern Argentina Argentina