Río Bío Bío


The Biobío River is the second largest river in Chile. It originates from Icalma and Galletué lakes in the Andes and flows 380 km to the Gulf of Arauco on the Pacific Ocean. The major tributaries of the river are the Malleco and the Laja.


The Bio Bio River is one of the main rivers in our country. It is the second longest in Chile (380 km long) and has the third largest hydrographic basin in the country (after Loa and Baker) with 24,000 km2, factors that allow it to benefit an extensive agricultural and industrial area.

The Bio Bio is born from the Galletué Lagoon and the Icalma Lake, located in the IX Region of Araucanía in the middle of the Andes Mountains, near the international border with Argentina. From there it runs through a large part of the southern part of the Central Valley, crossing the provinces of Bio Bío and Concepción, in the VIII Region of Biobío. Finally it empties into the Pacific Ocean, in the communes of Hualpén and San Pedro de la Paz.