Río Anzu


The Rio Anzu in Ecuador is divided into Lower and Upper sections and is famous for offering the rafters every kind of rapids to raft on.


The Rio Anzu in Ecuador is divided into Lower and Upper sections and is famous for offering the rafters every kind of rapids to raft on. From its appearance, it is quite evident that the Rio Anzu is a water body comprising primarily of mild waters. Located in the Napo Valley, the Anzu River makes its way through ring of mountains and passes along the picturesque gorge.

An amazing river to set your boat on, the Rio Anzu is recognized for its great volume, offering the rafters excellent paddling opportunity! The Lower sections of the river bring in rapids of Class II and III, with small waves and white curls present all over the river bed.

Best suited for the beginners, this section of the river is rather mild and gives ample scope to novices who are looking forward to take the pleasure of the whitewater rafting. However, unlike the Lower section, the Upper section of the river is rather tumultuous and wild. Boasting of rapids of Class IV, this part of the Anzu River is well-known for its turbulent waves. Thus, the conditions of the Upper section of Rio Anzu is ideal for boat scouts, as the rafters get to encounter wild torrents to test their rafting proficiency.

The waterway, with its large volume, is indeed an ideal place for any enthusiastic rafter; add to this the serene landscape that makes this river a truly magnificent waterway! You are bound to get thrilled!    So, do you want to enjoy the beautiful surroundings and experience the fantastic waters of the Rio Anzu? You can even plan for a camping expedition by the riverside. Thus, pack up all your essentials and set out for the memorable trip down the Rio Anzu!

Tena Napo
