

Lot is a department in the Midi-Pyrénées region of southern France. It's home to dramatic clifftop villages such as Rocamadour, known for the Cité Réligieuse complex of religious buildings.


To the northeast, the Padirac Cave has underground lakes and unusual rock formations. South, the Pech Merle Cave features prehistoric rock art. Cahors is a town known for its red wine and the Pont Valentré, a medieval bridge. Tributary of the River Garonne, the Lot runs through unspoiled green countryside. In the Quercy, this gentle valley is particularly renowned for its vines, and especially those of the Cahors vineyards. Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, a magnificent cliffside village; Puy-l'Évêque, a medieval town situated in the heart of the vineyards; the Cénevières castle, a Renaissance fortified castle and palace; Cahors and Figeac, two cities of Art and History in the Quercy... All wonderful places in the Lot valley not to be missed! A boat cruise on the Lot waters is also an excellent way to discover the numerous treasures of this valley.

Cahors, Aquitaine
