

Lakshadweep is a tropical archipelago of 36 atolls and coral reefs in the Laccadive Sea, off the coast of Kerala, India. Not all of the islands are inhabited, and only a few are open to visitors (permits required).


Lakshadweep is one of the world's most spectacular tropical island systems. Thirty- two sq. km of land spread over 36 islands surrounded by 4200 sq. km of lagoon rich in marine wealth. The precious heritage of ecology and culture is supported by an extremely fragile ecosystem. Committed to the cause of Eco tourism Union Territory of Lakshadweep has consciously followed a middle path between tourism promotion and environmental conservation. The Administration is carefully monitoring the environmental impact of coastal tourism and has taken steps to promote tourism in a way that is consistent with ecological concerns. As an effective strategy to avoid pressure on the ecological environment, the efforts to promote tourism have been synchronized with the carrying capacity of the islands.

Though all the islands are endowed with the beauty of the coral reef, sandy beaches, unpolluted and clear water, and hospitable settings, most of these differ in terms of facilities and services offered. Some islands have been promoted for diving and water sports; still, others have been developed so that people enjoy the charm of relaxation and natural enjoyment. Since the land is precious and scarce it is the avowed policy of the Administration to relieve pressure on land and promote water-based tourism. The motto being admired and not exploits that natural beauty.

Kavaratti, one of the more developed islands, is home to dozens of mosques, including the ornately decorated Ujra Mosque, as well as Kavaratti Aquarium, showcasing regional fish, shark and coral species.