Junín de los Andes


Comandante Luis Piedrabuena is a town with 4,175 inhabitants in the department of Corpen Aike in Santa Cruz province in Argentina. Located on the left bank of the Santa Cruz River on Ruta Nacional N° 3, it is 231 km from the city of Río Gallegos.


The city of Comandante Luis Piedra Buena is a haven for the traveller who arrives by land. Located on the left bank of the Santa Cruz River, it is ideal to rest and learn about the great history that hangs over the place.

It is located 241 km from Río Gallegos and the green vegetation on the banks of the river dazzles the visitor, giving it an image of an oasis within the semi-desert steppe.

Gregorio Ibáñez avenue is the one that will welcome you to the city, as it constitutes the main artery and crosses it longitudinally. There you will see well-preserved masonry houses, with gardens, surrounded by a grove that covers all its streets.

Andes Neuquen
