

Sukhal Ghat is a village placed in Reasi Block of Reasi district in Jammu & Kashmir. Situated in rural area of Reasi district of Jammu & Kashmir, it is one of the 90 villages of Reasi Block of Reasi district. According to the government records, the


Nearest town of the village is Reasi and distance from Sukhal Ghat village to Reasi is 52 km. The village has its own post office and the pin code of Sukhal Ghat village is 182311. The village comes under Devi Garh panchayat. Reasi is the sub district head quarter and the distance from the village is 52 km. District head quarter of the village is Reasi which is 52 km away. 6.85 square kilometer (83%) of the total village's area is covered by forest.

Jammu and Kashmir