El Ángel


El Angel is a town located in the northern Andes of Ecuador, capital of the Espejo canton in the Carchi province.


Tufts of ocher grasses ripple along the hillsides surrounding the stark, still Andean village of El Ángel. The village is the entry point to Páramos El Ángel, a misty, remote wilderness favored by foxes and condors. It’s part of the 160-sq-km Reserva Ecológica El Ángel, which is home to frailejones – rare, otherworldly plants with fuzzy leaves and thick trunks. The two Lagunas El Voladero are popular and accessible destinations. You can arrange páramo visits with tour companies in Otavalo or Ibarra. The village springs to life with a Monday market.

El Angel, Carchi
