Boujdour Province


Boujdour is a province in the Moroccan occupied region of Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra, Western Sahara. Its population in 2004 was 46,129. Its major town is Boujdour.


The sea is guarded by cliffs most of the way to the fishing port of BOUJDOUR, 188km southwest of Laayoune. The beach is dirty with dangerous rocks – the nearest beaches suitable for swimming (if you have the transport to reach them) are 20km south, below the cliffs, and 40km north, just beyond a military checkpoint and fishing settlement. The nearest thing to a sight in town is the lighthouse, though it’s not open to the public, and the soldiers guarding it won’t be happy if you try to photograph it. If you need a bank, the BMCE and Banque Populaire both have branches with ATMs.