

Abisko is a small village in Sweden, north of the Arctic Circle. Just out of town, extending from the southwestern shore of Torneträsk Lake is Abisko National Park. Surrounded by mountains, it shelters lemmings and reindeer, plus the Lapp orchid.


The King’s Trail begins in the park and leads to Hemavan, in the south. The Aurora Sky Station, on Mount Nuolja, is an observation centre for the Northern Lights. Easy access to spectacular scenery makes Abisko (Ábeskovvu in Sami) one of the highlights of any trip to Lappland. The 75-sq-km Abisko National Park spreads out from the southern shore of scenic lake Torneträsk. It’s framed by the striking profile of Lapporten, a ‘gate’ formed by neighbouring hills that serves as the legendary gate to Lappland. This is also the driest part of Sweden and consequently has a relatively long hiking season. In winter, people come to see the northern lights; in summer they come to hike and to see the midnight sun.

Abisko, Sweden
