Extreme sport that is a combination of others (wakeboarding, windsurfing, surfing, paragliding and gymnastics) is kitesurfing/kiteboarding. A large power kite, controlled by participants, is used to harness the wind and move kitesurfers across the water while standing on a board that is similar to that of a small surfboard or wakeboard. Participants can choose to use bindings and footstraps or not. Like other sports, there are many styles of kiteboarding such as freestyle, freeride, speed, course racing, downwinders, wakestyle, jumping and wave-riding. There are also constantly new styles that are developing and overlap with these ones. Of all the styles, freeride is the most free and popular style because it can be whatever the rider wants it to be. Because it is so popular, most of the boards are designed for this style. Freeriding is about having a good time while learning new things. The most widely and often-used boards are those with a wide wind range and good relaunch.
Freestyle describes the way that the board and kite are used to do big jumps in the air so that the rider can do more tricks. This is the style that is used in competition because it is a freer approach and can be done anywhere. To do this, smaller kites and twintip boards that have good boost and hangtime are used. A style that combines the best of surfing and kiteboards in waves is wave riding (also known as kitesurfing). Typically, a directional board, with or without foot straps, is used. The board needs good flotation and flexibility to surf waves. Most participants use a board that is also appropriate for regular surfing, but a wake-style board with bindings is needed for aerial stunts, tricks and ramp jumps. This style requires flat water and it is common for riders to use large boards with high rockers and wake booties – especially for younger riders. An offshoot of freeride, jumping involves high jumps that allow participants to perform tricks. Occasionally, the rider will also use kiteloops in order to get extra height. In strong winds, participants use smaller kites with shorter lines. The boards used by wakeskaters are similar in appearance to a skateboard and are strapless twintip boards. Like a yacht on a course, course racing includes both tactics and speed. The directional boards that are used for this are specially designed and have long fins on them. This style can be done at formal and informal race events.
Land windsurfing/Terrasailing/street sailing/land sailing/dirt windsurfing is like regular windsurfing but on land instead of water. Using a four-wheeled board resembling a mountain board or skateboard, participants move across land with a mast and sail.
Land boards that have been specially designed are available from numerous companies. These boards make it easy to connect the base of the sail’s mast to the board because of a special hole that is drilled at the front of the deck. If the land board has tires that are suitable for all-terrains, it means that the board can be used on grass, asphalt, sand or dirt. For the majority of boards, a minimum of 5mph wind speed is needed for them to move although the surface on which the board is used also affects the wind that is required for movement