Transportation by rail, also known as train transportation or train track transportation, consists of moving people on a vehicle that runs rolling on a set tracks, effectively creating their own exclusive road. Rather than traveling by maneuvering in flat pavemented surfaces the tracks set entirely guide the movement of the carriage which wheels rest on them.
Train carriages can be coupled with one another creating a massive vehicle made up of different sections that roll safely over the tracks thanks to the lower level of friction that the rails afford.
Transport is done between train stations or commercial freight facilities for shipping goods. Passenger trains are part of the public transport system, and often make up the central part of it in the cities that are outfitted with one of them, with buses usually delivering a sizeable part of their passengers to the train stations, effectively acting as feeder buses. The operation of passenger trains falls into two categories: intercity and intracity traveling. Intracity involves lower speeds to deliver people around the different districts of one unique city. Intercity is performed at high velocities to deliver passengers traveling between one city to another in a considerable short lapse of time.