The word duck here does not refer to the small birds you might feed bread on a lake at weekends but rather the military amphibious vehicles that have been converted to tour vehicles. The DUKWs and LARC-Vs are the vehicles you will find yourself in if you wish to embark on such an adventure. These tours are normally conducted in rivers, harbours and lake-based cities, the first company opened its doors in 1946 in Wisconsin. The same company is still going now, though under new ownership.

DUKWs owned and operated by Boston Duck Tours have been used in what are called “rolling rallies” eleven times since 2002 in celebration of their local sports teams: the New England Patriots, Boston Red Sox, the Boston Celtics and the Boston Bruins. They were planned to  use an extra time, but the New England Patriots did not win the Super Bowl in 1997 and so this idea was scrapped. Mostly the parade routes keep the DUKWs on land however there have been a few instances in which the courses have allowed the vehicles to show off their amphibious ability.