Some tour companies have chosen to specialise or offer tours via airplanes. These are normally done via smaller airplanes optimised to provide a better touring experience however sometimes helicopter, bus and combination tours are offered by some companies. More than this most tour companies offer customizable tours and charter services upon request, allowing people to have their exclusive experience. Naturally the route, length of tour, location and customisation of the tour will cause the price to vary between sites and companies.

Great for everyone from solo flyers to large families, airplanes designed for tours can seat between 2 and 20 people and offer a highly memorable experience while on vacation. There are many advantages to having a tour in a plane:

  • Cover a large area in a short amount of time, this means if you are restricted by time then you can see lots of things and from a unique perspective.
  • The unique perspective offered by a plane tour is the perfect opportunity for amazing photo opportunities for amateurs and professionals alike.
  • If you find yourself travelling alone or as a solo flyer, plane tours are great places to meet people with similar interests.
  • Fun for all the family! If on vacation as a family then this is surely an experience for everyone to participate in and remember together.
  • More economical than a helicopter tour, planes use less fuel and so are usually cheaper.

With advantages there are however some disadvantages to plane tours:

  • While you get a unique perspective of the areas you are visiting it can be hard to get the real feel of the region as you are slightly detached, with this as an excursion as part of your vacation however this should not be a problem.
  • While travelling alone affords you the opportunity to make friends you might be unlucky enough to be sat next to a crying baby or grumpy businessman… you can hope though on a plane tour they would not be concerned with work at this time!
  • The smaller planes do not have toilets, this is something to think about for longer tours.
  • If you are not used to flying or have a phobia, small planes are not the way to go, winds make small planes shake much more than a larger aircraft and could unsettle passengers.