
78 Results in category Nature

Nature Tourism means “experiencing the natural places, typically through outdoor activities that are sustainable in terms of their impact on the environment.” It helps to explore natural areas, which conserves the environment and improves the welfare of local people. We aim to contribute to nature conservation by providing the travellers with the chance to experience wild spaces and learn about wildlife in natural habitats.

Natural attractions are geographical or biological features that have a specific appeal to the tourism market. Globally, there are countless varieties of natural attractions – no two natural attractions are the same because they have been shaped by the unique natural forces of the surrounding environment.

Travellers visit natural attractions for many reasons, which include:

- Enjoying the grandeur of nature.

- Escaping from the pressures of urban life.

- Escaping from humanity.

- Exploring different landscapes.

- Experiencing outdoor adventures in a natural setting.

- Learning about the environment.


The Tromso Fjords sit among pretty inlets and islands which back on to icy summits and eventually empty out into the Norwegian Sea.

Spend 3 days exploring the heart of Antarctica, witnessing the extraordinary scenery and geology

Much of Iceland is made up of far-flung locations and craggy scenery, but Hornstrandir Nature Reserve is all of that and more.

You may think that you need to be far away from civilization to see whales but actually you can go on a whale watching tour from Reykjavik, the capital city of Iceland.

Hallstatt, undoubtedly one of the most picturesque small towns in Austria, is a good place from which to explore the spectacular Dachstein Salzkammergut region, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Hiking and snowshoeing in Antarctica are both fun and cost effective ways to see more of this glittering continent, and a great workout to boot.

The stunning Iguazú Falls lie along Argentina's border with Brazil, with Iguazu National Park on the Argentinian side and Iguaçu National Park on the Brazilian side.

Journey to one of the most remote islands on Earth, home of the world-famous green sea turtles.

Bumping through the ice, gliding across a glassy bay, these are experiences shared when sea kayaking in Antarctica - a very different side to the White Continent.